Taxable vs Tax-Deferred Accounts

Please note the information below is intended to provide generalized information that is appropriate in certain situations.  It is not intended or written to be used, and it cannot be used by the receipient, for the purpose of avoiding federal tax penalties that may be imposed on any taxpayer.  The contents of the information provided below should not be acted upon without specific professional guidance.  Please call us if you have any questions.

Some people do all of their investing in an employer-sponsored retirement plan where earnings are untaxed until withdrawn, and perhaps in an IRA as well. Withdrawals are generally taxed at ordinary income rates, which now go up to 39.6%.

            Conversely, others have taxable accounts as well; each year, income tax is due on investment interest, dividends, and net capital gains in these taxable accounts. Some dividends and gains qualify for favorable rates, currently no higher than 20%. (Taxpayers who are subject to the 3.8% surtax on net investment income might actually owe 23.8%.)

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Consider defering income or doing the opposite

It may pay to defer some taxable income from this year into next year, especially if you expect to be in a lower tax bracket in 2013. For example, if you’re in business for yourself and a cash-method taxpayer, you can postpone taxable income by waiting until late in the year to send out some client invoices. That way, you won’t receive payment for them until early 2013. You can also postpone taxable income by accelerating some deductible business expenditures into this year. Both moves will defer taxable income from this year until next year. Deferring income may also be helpful if you’re affected by unfavorable phase-out rules that reduce or eliminate various tax breaks (child tax credit, education tax credits, and so forth). By deferring income every other year, you may be able to take more advantage of these breaks every other year.

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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Duis commodo ultricies.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Duis commodo eros non neque aliquet ultricies. Mauris ultricies enim id sapien lobortis lacinia. Sed sed facilisis elit. Nulla eget tellus nec ligula scelerisque facilisis. Nunc nulla augue, venenatis ac rhoncus sed, tempor sed dui. Phasellus consequat felis quis ipsum congue tempor.

Etiam vitae mi lectus. Cras scelerisque, lacus eu dapibus aliquam, justo sem tincidunt nunc, sit amet condimentum libero elit congue nisi. Vestibulum facilisis iaculis nisl at tempor. In convallis, eros sed cursus blandit, massa dolor commodo justo, eget tempor arcu odio a arcu. Vestibulum et dolor nisi. Fusce lorem nisi, egestas ut volutpat ac, condimentum vel magna. Curabitur a dictum leo. Proin egestas est at arcu convallis eu ornare odio lobortis. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae; Duis hendrerit nisi non est interdum fringilla. Cras aliquet consequat ipsum non varius. Duis in viverra nunc.

Etiam suscipit orci non justo interdum faucibus. Nam bibendum tortor eget sem cursus nec tincidunt lorem eleifend. Donec ac justo erat, sed rutrum metus. Phasellus ac dui sit amet sem consequat rutrum quis sit amet lorem. Praesent urna nunc, aliquet in luctus a, eleifend ut est. Cras imperdiet metus nec sem condimentum rutrum. Cum sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus.

Praesent pulvinar, tellus vitae molestie elementum, metus tellus adipiscing purus, vitae ullamcorper tortor orci a dolor. Curabitur felis mauris, scelerisque eu hendrerit eu, venenatis at tellus. Nullam sit amet erat at dolor dapibus consequat. Ut condimentum adipiscing turpis, porta accumsan neque convallis sed.

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